Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Hemorrhoids Treatment Without Surgery

Nonsurgical treatment of hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids or are familiar with the term hemorrhoids (piles) are not a new disease. Not always, "attacked" Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French conquerors of the 19th century. Jimmy Carter, 39, president of the United States, experts and had to undergo surgery.

Hemorrhoids are a condition where the blood vessels around the anus (rectum) or rectum (lower bowel first year) that are swollen and inflamed. This is a potentially serious imminent. In fact, not always aware. However, hemorrhoids are often painful and disruptive activities. People can be attacked sehatpun hemorrhoids.

Based on your situation can occur internally (inside the rectum) or external (around the anus). The swollen blood vessels inside the rectum. Straight wall has no nerves, like the skin which is quite painful and easily overlooked by the patient. Usually only seen when the drops of blood seen in stool or blood in the stool.

Divided into four levels of severity. The first level is to remain in the rectum and bleeding during defecation. Level two, pushed through the rectum and sat among the chapters themselves. Third degree hemorrhoids were expelled, but must be inserted into the rectum after stool. The fourth level is to encourage and out the rectum that can not be implemented in the interior.

The fourth level is usually itching and pain, and pinched, causing excruciating pain.

As for external factors (outside the rectum) is easier to see due to inflammation of blood vessels in the skin of the anus, and blue. It bisasanya itching and / or painful because the skin of the anus is a neural network.

Note that some of the colon (large intestine) has symptoms similar to hemorrhoids. Then consult a physician if you suspect that the symptoms of hemorrhoids (piles), since you want one of the most serious problems of the colon, especially if you are over 20 years and have a family history of colon cancer. Spots of blood in the stool or drops of blood in the stool, for example, also known by patients with colon cancer.

Diverse as obesity, sex, national origin, rectal, deficiency of Vitamin E, aging, too much time sitting in September, too often, heavy lifting, pregnancy, often drive too fast, diarrhea, and chapter practices too long .

Your lifestyle affects the development of hemorrhoids. Less fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables caused by hardening of the stool. Hardening of the feces can also occur if used to delay defecation (BAB), because the water content in the feces are not immediately disposed of is eaten by the colon. Hard stools that are difficult to quit smoking, and can cause constipation if you are required to drive the Amalfi.

This habit of putting pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus to form hemorrhoids. Feces must be fixed, but can be moved smoothly. So drink plenty of water, adequate intake of essential nutrients and high in fiber to prevent hemorrhoids. Regular exercise is also great for reducing risk.

It is the only

Do not get frustrated if you have hemorrhoids, because surgery is not the only solution. Operations, even as far as possible to avoid, because there are restrictions, such as the use of anesthesia. The risk is even greater complications than surgery. Doctors who treat hemorrhoids in the United States and other developed countries prefer non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid treatment without surgery is the most popular clips Barron hemorrhoids using a special glue stops blood flow. Hemorrhoids are prepared by himself in a week.

There are two types of procedures, similar to the old Barron and up to date. Barron techniques are currently using vacuum suction to remove the pole to the bottom wall of the rectum, before the special rubber strips installed on poles to ensure a high therapeutic efficacy without the risk of injury or infection. Instead of the old way of appeal Barron hemorrhoids with rubber band, tweezers, first install separate, causing great pain due to injury or rupture of blood vessels to constrict, and when pulled with tweezers. The handling of the current system is cheaper Barron, short, and patients can expect business as usual after the operation. All stdium hemorrhoids can be treated with this method. However, the healing phase of the fourth method of Barron can be done only if there are complications such as cancer, large polyp, and rectal cancer for hospitals.

The treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery

Another method of treatment is sclerotherapy hemorrhoids without surgery. Is the injection (shot) of hemorrhoids with liquid chemicals (sclerosing) which hardens the blood vessels so that blood flow stops hemorrhoid sticks. Shrink hemorrhoids and published in 7-10 days after injection. Developed countries with sclerotherapy, because the risk of infection and complications caused by damage, such as narrowing of the anus and rectum can be repaired with surgery. These materials are also at risk of causing an allergic reaction sclerotherapy.
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